Friday, October 18, 2019

Interpreting Crime and Criminals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Interpreting Crime and Criminals - Essay Example The biggest social phenomena of juvenile delinquency, is posed by the basic question in this regard: why do juveniles turn to crime? According to Cathy Spatz Damon & Joan Mc Cord (2001), there is a range of contributing factors such as prenatal care, differences in temperament, family influences, peer relationships, an impact of school policies towards delinquency and the broader influence of the neighbourhood and community. Back in the 1950’s, there weren’t any significant laws that differentiated between juvenile and adult offenders. It is with the recent spate of violent crimes, that the biggest social change to affect juvenile deliquescent criminals, has been the ongoing recriminalizing of juvenile crime with equal severity. To understand the consequences of such offences, it is essential to clarify the vital statistics in achieving a qualitative description of the offending criminals. Based on MET records and secondary evaluation, the following parameters have been identified: 1)Mean perceived likelihood of prosecution by prior arrests. 2)Mean perceived likelihood of prosecution by type of injury. 3)Arrest frequencies for different offence categories. 4)Felony type by gender in percentage. 5)Felony type by race in percentage. 6)Felony type by prior arrests in percentage. 7)Adjudication in percentage. 8)Adjudication by felony type. 8)Adjudication by gender. 9)Adjudication by . 10) Disposition. All these parameters comprise part of our questionnaire directed at PC constables.

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